US next-generation Bushmaster Chain Gun offers two feed paths for advanced ammunition rounds for the first time

US next-generation Bushmaster Chain Gun offers two feed paths for advanced ammunition rounds for the first time

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U.S. leading defense manufacturer Northrop Grumman unveiled its next-generation M230 Link Fed (M230LF) Dual Feed Bushmaster Chain Gun. It is the first time that the gun offers two ammunition feed paths with options to change between advanced ammunition rounds with the flip of a switch.

This advanced 30x113mm cannon is a proven upgrade to the M230LF medium caliber chain gun, specifically designed to tackle both uncrewed aerial threats (Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems) and ground targets.

The two ammunition feed paths offer options to fire dual-purpose ammunition rounds that can be switched between air burst and high explosive rounds. The dual-feed system eliminates the need for mixed ammunition belts, allowing operators to switch seamlessly between two types of rounds.

The recommended loadout includes XM1211 proximity-fuzed rounds for C-UAS engagements and XM1198 high-explosive, dual-purpose rounds for anti-armor capabilities. With the system currently at Technology Readiness Level 6, it is on track for live fire demonstrations planned for early 2025.

Vice president of Armament Systems at Northrop Grumman, Dave Fine highlighted, “This chain gun is the latest in our Bushmaster line to deliver reliable, multi-mission capabilities addressing the evolving threat environment.”

Dave Fine further added that “The M230LF Dual Feed Bushmaster Chain Gun offers new flexibility by switching between ammunition paths using dual-feed technology. Using advanced technology combined with five decades of battle-proven experience, this next-generation cannon will empower operators to quickly respond to threats.”

M230LF Bushmaster Chain Gun
Northrop Grumman’s M230LF Bushmaster Chain Gun. (Image Credit: U.S. Army)

Northrop Grumman specializes in manufacturing medium-caliber cannons. For about 25 years, the M230 Bushmaster Chain Gun has been the primary weapon system on the AH-64 Apache helicopter. Its successor, the M230LF (Link Fed), adapts that same medium-caliber firepower for ground vehicles.

The gun was designed for anti-armor, border security, and maritime operations, the M230LF offers a significant upgrade over .50 caliber machine guns on lightweight platforms, shifting from a suppression role to an offensive one. With its anti-armor and proximity-fuzed ammunition, the M230LF enhances the lethality, survivability, and overall mission effectiveness of ground-based applications.

M230LF Dual Feed Bushmaster

As the world’s first medium-caliber chain gun to offer a dual-feed system, the M230LF enhances operational flexibility in modern combat environments. Its innovative design allows operators to quickly switch between two ammunition types, enabling effective responses to different threats using 30x113mm rounds.

The dual-feed capability enables operators to change between advanced ammunition rounds with the flip of a switch, boosting mission adaptability and firepower. This feature ensures the best round is used for each target, reducing reload time, streamlining logistics, and increasing the number of engagements before reloading is necessary.

The Northrop Grumman statement highlighted that for operators already using the M230LF, the dual-feed version retains a similar weight to the single-feed model and shares 60% of its parts, making repairs faster and minimizing maintenance downtime.

Northrop Grumman’s M230 Bushmaster Chain Gun
Northrop Grumman’s M230 Bushmaster Chain Gun. (Image Credit: Northrop Grumman)

Director of business development for Bushmaster Chain Guns, John McCollum said, “Northrop Grumman is producing a 30mm x 113mm high-explosive proximity round that detects and detonates in [the] proximity of a drone, defeating the threat without having to make a direct hit. If the round doesn’t detect a target during flight, it self-destructs in the air at maximum range, protecting those on the ground. This makes the M230LF used in conjunction with proximity ammunition ideal for use against unmanned aerial threats.”

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