US defense firm Lockheed Martin conducts DEIMOS Laser weapon system test
News, US January 25, 2023 No Comments on US defense firm Lockheed Martin conducts DEIMOS Laser weapon system testU.S. largest defense manufacturer Lockheed Martin tested its Directed Energy Interceptor for Maneuver Short-Range Air Defense System (DEIMOS) and achieved the first light from the system.
The successful test “verifies that the laser’s optical performance parameters align with the system design parameters,” the company’s statement highlighted.
The 50 kW-class DEIMOS system is a tactical laser weapon system that can be integrated into the U.S. Army’s Stryker combat vehicle and deliver robust directed energy capability to the military’s challenging maneuver-short range air defense (M-SHORAD) mission.
Vice president of Lockheed Martin Advanced Product Solutions, Rick Cordaro said, “The 50 kW-class laser weapon system brings another critical piece to help ensure the U.S. Army has a layered air defense capability.”
Cordaro further added that “DEIMOS has been tailored from our prior laser weapon successes to affordably meet the Army’s larger modernization strategy for air and missile defense and to improve mission success with 21st Century Security solutions.”
Lockheed Martin aims to expand the DEIMOS test program in 2023, culminating with field integration tests in 2024, the company’s release stated.
The DEIMOS tests are “designed to reduce risk, to enable soldier touchpoints and to provide proof points of compelling mission capabilities,” the statement added.

Last year in September, Lockheed Martin has delivered the Department of Defense a most powerful and tactically-relevant electric 300 kW-class laser. The weapon can be integrated with the U.S. Army’s Indirect Fires Protection Capability-High Energy Laser Demonstrator laser weapon system.
The U.S. Army is expected to receive as many as four DE-MSHORAD prototypes in 2023, four more system prototypes in the year 2024. The U.S. Army’s Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office is leading the DE M-SHORAD prototyping effort and is expected to transition the program to the Program Executive Office Missiles & Space in 2024.
Laser Weapon Systems have the capability to successfully track and detect targets, including small rockets, boats, drones, UAVs, and a truck with high fidelity. It can maintain the laser beam with enough time to eliminate the target. Directed Energy can operate as an effective weapon that can enable the warfighter to counter and eliminate a range of emerging threats.
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