Pakistan tests enhanced-range version of its indigenous cruise missile

Pakistan tests enhanced-range version of its indigenous cruise missile

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Pakistan Army successfully tested an ‘enhanced-range’ version of its indigenously produced cruise missile. The successful test of the Babur Cruise Missile 1B was announced on December 21 by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) department of the Pakistan Army.

According to the ISPR, Director General of Strategic Planning Division (SPD) Lieutenant General Nadeem Zaki Manj oversaw the test and congratulated the scientists and engineers on achieving excellence in the domain of cruise missile technology. He also stated that this successful test reaffirms his confidence in strengthening strategic deterrence and providing Pakistan with a substantial strategic advantage in regional security.

Apart from the high officials from the Pakistan military, the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan also congratulated the Pakistan army on the successful test of the ‘Enhanced-Range’ variant of the Babur cruise missile.

The test was witnessed and evaluated by the high official from Pakistan Army and other departments involved in the production process, such as Pakistan’s National Engineering and Scientific Commission (NESCOM).

Director General of ISPR said in a statement, “Today’s launch was witnessed by Lieutenant General Nadeem Zaki Manj, Director General, Strategic Plans Division, Dr. Raza Samar, Chairman NESCOM, Lieutenant General Muhammad Ali, Commander ARMY Strategic Force Command, senior officers from Strategic Plans Division, Strategic Forces, scientists and engineers of strategic organizations.”

Pakistan Army successfully tests an ‘enhanced-range’ version of Babur 1B Cruise Missile. (Image Credit: Pakistan Inter-Services Public Relations department)
Pakistan Army successfully tests an ‘enhanced-range’ version of Babur 1B Cruise Missile. (Image Credit: Pakistan Inter-Services Public Relations department)

The missile has been named after the Mughal Emperor Zahiruddin Mohammad Babur who was the founder of the Mughal Dynasty in the Indian Subcontinent. The first version of the Babur Cruise missile came into service with Pakistan Army in 2010. First Babur Cruise missile could engage the target with high precision and high accuracy, on land and sea, within the range of 700 kilometers (435 miles). The missile also has the capability of carrying nuclear warheads.

The enhanced range of the newly tested Babur Cruise Missile 1B has not been disclosed by the officials but it has been reported that the new version of cruise missile can cover the range up to 900 kilometers.

Earlier this year, the Pakistan army also test-fired an indigenously developed extended-range guided Multi-Launch Rocket System. In December 2021, Pakistan also successfully conducted the ‘training launch’ of its Ghaznavi, a nuclear-capable ballistic missile. The test of Babur Cruise Missile was conducted only a few days after Pakistan’s longtime rival India tested its own next-generation nuclear-capable ballistic missile, Agni-P. The two arch-rival countries have locked horns several times in wars since 1947. The arms race between the two countries is centered around the disputed Kashmir valley, a Muslim-majority Himalayan region which is held by India and Pakistan in parts and claimed by both in full. A small part of Kashmir is also held by Pakistan’s close ally and India’s rival, China.

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