NATO tests DEXTER technology to counter terrorism threats in crowded places

NATO tests DEXTER technology to counter terrorism threats in crowded places

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NATO tested its new DEXTER (Detection of EXplosives and firearms to counter TERrorism) technology in a subway station in Rome, Italy. The project is supported by the alliance’s non-military scientific research projects of NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme.

The new anti-terrorism technology can monitor subway stations, airports, and other mass transit and gathering venues and counter the threat from firearms and explosives in crowded locations.

On May 24 and 25 2022, several representatives from the industry and government stakeholders were invited to the testing site to observe the real-life scenario simulation and explore opportunities with a view to a potential commercialization of DEXTER.

After three years of research, the prototype of DEXTER was successfully tested for about a month. Eleven governmental and research institutions from 4 NATO countries (France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands) and 4 partner nations (Finland, Republic of Korea, Serbia and Ukraine) participated in DEXTER.

DEXTER integrates various sensor and software technologies to offer real-time information to police or security guards monitoring passengers in public areas.

NATO Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges, David van Weel said “What DEXTER has delivered is a solution at the crossroads between counter-terrorism and advanced ltechnologies, in line with NATO strategic objectives and priorities”.

President of the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Gilberto Dialuce said: “Results like this are not only the outcome of scientific and technological skills but are also based on a strong sense of cohesion between the partners, and on the common will to enhance the protection of citizens from brutal attacks like the ones in the past.”

NATO soldiers testing technologies capable of detecting weapons or explosives. (Image Credit: NATO)

According to the NATO release, “The three technologies developed through DEXTER will allow the identification of carriers of firearms and explosives among moving pedestrians, remotely and in real time. The system will move beyond the measures currently in place, and enable the detection of these threats discretely, without requiring random checks on moving passengers or checkpoints. DEXTER integrates the technologies in a capability that can incorporate additional detection systems as necessary to keep up with evolving threats.”

“DEXTER is an important deliverable of NATO’s Counter-Terrorism Action Plan. At the same time, by relying on the most recent advancements on sensors, detection and artificial intelligence, DEXTER represents a perfect example of NATO’s agenda in the field of Emerging and Disruptive Technologies (EDTs),” the statement added.

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