NATO Military Committe discuss maritime threats aboard British aircraft carrier

NATO Military Committe discuss maritime threats aboard British aircraft carrier

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NATO Military Committee arrived in the United Kingdom to hold discussions on maritime threats and challenges with UK Strategic Command on Multi-Domain Operations and the Future Commando Force.

The meeting, which was held on July 7-8 aboard the British HMS Prince of Wales aircraft carrier, was hosted by the NATO Maritime Command. The military representatives from NATO member states received briefings and held a series of discussions on maritime security-related issues.

The program was attended by Commander of NATO’s Maritime Command Vice-Admiral Blount and NATO Military Committee Chair Admiral Bauer. According to the NATO statement, the “discussions focused on maritime-related topics, including the threats and challenges in the maritime domain, the risks and opportunities of maritime warfare, as well as specific outcomes from the Madrid Summit and how they would relate to NATO’s maritime strategy.”

During the meeting, NATO Military Committee Chair Admiral Bauer said: “NATO’S maritime thinking has always been based around three pillars – the maritime contribution to collective defense, co-operative security, and crisis management. But we need to ensure that we are able to counter these threats and challenges on their own playing field. The decisions from the Summit will enable us to build on existing measures and further strengthen our overall Deterrence and Defence Posture.”

The second day of the meeting was hosted by the Commander of the UK Royal Navy Fleet Vice Admiral Burns, while, Commander of the UK Strategic Command, on Multi-Domain Operations General James Hockenfull gave a presentation on “ways to train, develop technologies and innovative tools” to be used in the command.

According to the NATO statement, The NATO Military Committee members were also updated on the Future Commando Force. “The Future Commando Force concept allows for more autonomy, with the skill set of personnel being tailored to each mission. High readiness teams ready to deploy for a mission at a moment’s notice. Highly interoperable, interchangeable and flexible.  It’s simple math – if our Allies are stronger and more capable then our Alliance is stronger and more capable. Which in turn translates to stronger and better deterrence and defense for the Alliance,” the statement added.

Helicopters operate from the flight deck of the UK aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales, during annual Flotilla exercise.
Helicopters operate from the flight deck of the UK aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales, during the annual Flotilla exercise. (Image Credit: Royal Navy/UK Ministry of Defence)

The British aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales recently returned from Spain, where it was commanding the NATO’s Response Force and took part in the Spanish naval exercises off the Atlantic coast. The exercise was aimed at boosting security and NATO allies’ ability to operate together in the region.

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